Grasping Abundance

One of the many people putting thoughts online. I am a daughter, a sister, a mom, an aunt, a teacher, a student, a dreamer, a procrastinator, and still a girl that loves sewing, nurturing, reading & writing, jazz, and the music of the 80's.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Grasping for Peace.........

(A Peaceful image- from a picture on Flickr)

Lately I have been dealing with some ups, downs and ups since my last post. I am job hunting now and doing some work on my house. While cleaning out my gutters, I really saw for myself what bad shape that the roofs of my house and garage are in. I truly believe that the seller knew that when he sold the house, and realize now that my handy man tried to seriously relay the problem to me when he cleaned out my gutters two years ago, but I did not get it. After getting myself a ladder and seeing it for myself, I definitely get it NOW. It is raining now and I had to grab a bucket. I am going to do the usual poor man's route: nail a tarp up there until I can replace my entire roof which I hope to do next year or sooner if I get lucky and some funds come my way. I also broke up with my guy up for a minute. Realizing how much he does miss me, (After a week & ½, I missed him too!) we have somewhat reconciled, and is just working on communicating better. I just wish he was more handy-which he unashamedly is not, and has no problem passing things off to the pros.

Regarding my B-day
: I had somewhat of a good time at the club for my birthday. It was nice to hang out with my closest friends, and my in-laws that night. I did make a mistake by trying a specialty drink. It almost made me so mellow to the point where I was ready to curl up and go to sleep. I had not had a drink since the beginning of March, and it was during the last time I had went to the club. I think that I am going to leave the alcohol alone socially also. Although I do not drink much, I do not like the thought of losing control. The cute fellow that I danced with last year for my birthday at the same club popped up this year also. He had trimmed his hair so much that I ran my hand on his head to see if he still had some hair which I think was more due to the liquor in me. I could tell though he was digging one of my sis-in-laws, and he kind of blew me off, but in a gentlemanly way. I talked and danced with this one guy for a minute. He tried to connect but I was not feeling him, mainly because his breath was so strong and he asked me if I had my own car and place in less than five minutes of meeting me. I had some gum but it was in my purse back at the table, so I kept my face averted to avoid inhaling. I stayed polite and took his number but had no intention on calling him. Although we did have some issues, I did wished my guy was there, but he was working and I knew that was not his type of scene although I encountered him in a club years ago.

Recently I dealt with some neighborhood drama with my broken window, which I painstakenly replaced with assistance from my kids. Replacing window panes is no easy job. After the broken window incident, I had to speak to a neighbor about her house turning into the party house in the evening while she was away working. Apparently she had already begin steps to curtail things, but it seems that the backlash hit my homestead when folks realized that they could not party there anymore. I think that they figured I had to be the informer, (which I was not) and sent a brick through my window. After speaking to her, I had no ideal how bad the situation had become, although I did know that the kid had a lot of visitors. It had taken a break-in and a surprise home visit for the neighbor to know that things had dangerously gotten out of control.

The talk went well between us, although her kid is now giving me looks that "could kill if possible" and is now making smart azz comments at my kids. I just told my kids to ignore her and her new ally, a young guy down the block who sounds like an old flaming gay dude. I can't help but feel sorry for the kid. The mother has cut off almost all the traffic and visitors at her house. The kid seeks approval and comradeship from folks that do not seem to care a bit about her. She does not seem to understand that although I heard her mother speak to her about her problem. I try to keep my kids busy, either in church, and programs that benefit them, and I want to reach out to the girl, but after the window incident, I am really afraid to do so now. I am looking into summer programs right now, and may give some of the information to the mother. After going through this, I immediately wished that I could pack up and get out of the city. The Detroit police response was three hours later, and this resident also gets tired of listening to random nightly gunshots on a regular basis. Moving right now is not possible, but times like this makes me know if the opportunity presented itself, I might be inclined to take advantage of it.


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